1/6/2018 - Dude Where's My Corpse
[3:23 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is taking some time off and chilling at Seven's, with a beer in hand. Has his booted feet up on a booth, just an inch or two (or less, probably) from Kali's deck.

[3:26 PM] Kali Mira: A huff escapes her lips as she smacks the boot closest to her deck. "Seriously. Don't be such an animal..." Kali muttered, sinking back in her seat.

[3:28 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage is just wrapping up his usual shift at Flap Jacks, frying up a heaping stack of pancakes on the griddle with one hand and whisking eggs with another. The window ledge has heaping plates of food waiting to be carried out as he stabs the last ticket, pouring the eggs neatly into a pan and nodding to his relief cook.

[3:31 PM] GM Whistler: It is an ordinary Midcity day - gunfire crackles in the distance, some people nearly get run down trying to cross the street, and all the news stations are bursting with hype for the new season of Zakk Darkblaze's immensely popular reality show, "The Merc Life". Coverage of said announcements is mysteriously absent from the screens in Lucky Sevens, where Seven opts to replay broadcasts of last week's Squad Combat League finals.

[3:33 PM] GM Whistler: Spider is tapping away on his deck, mixing his usual amphetamine high with an assortment of drinks. Shortly, all of you get a message on your phones, whether or not you ever gave Spider your numbers. [URGENT JOB. $$$]

[3:35 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace just smirks at Kali and finishes his beer. He checks his phone when it goes off and raises a brow at Kali when he hears hers goes off simultaneously. He slow rolls his head over in Spider's direction and then puts his boots to the floor, which Kali did not manage to even budge with her smacking. "Huh. I think we're being paged."

[3:36 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage drops the last pan into the sink and scrubs off his hands. As soon as he reads the message, he scoops up his backpack and gives a half salute before dashing out the back door and toward Sevens, dodging pedestrians.

[3:38 PM] Kali Mira: Dirt spills off the edge of his boot onto her deck, and she frowns. "Rude." Her attention then shifts towards the notification from spider. "What are we best friends now? Should we have a sleep over too." She responded sarcastically, "Well, what do you think?" She nudged Jace.

[3:41 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is already standing and reaching down to open Kali's bag for her, indicating she should pack up her deck. "I think I need to pay rent. Let's go, cariƱo."

[3:43 PM] Sage Stotto: Luckily the two locations are close and the streets clear enough that Sage arrives at the door of the bar only minutes after he received the summons. He slips inside, panting slightly more out of habit than necessity and scans the bar, trying to be unobtrusive as he seeks the Spider

[3:45 PM] Kali Mira: Kali shoots Jace a glare, giving him a punch to the arm after she packs up. From the corner of her eye she manages to catch Sage just entering, "Guess we weren't the only ones called in." She muses, seeing Sage almost out of breath. "Hey!" Kali drags Jace over towards Sage, "Did you rush here to bring me free pancakes from Flap Jacks." Of course she was only kidding.

[3:47 PM] GM Whistler: When Spider notices you all, he waves you over impatiently. "Hey, hey, got big bucks ridin' on this one but you guys gotta jack up your clock speed here. C'mon."

[3:48 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage grins broadly and with a hint of mischief at seeing Kali and Jace there. "Nice as you are Kali, I only bring free food if you do." He snorts and winds his way through the crowd to Spider's booth and slides all the way in to the opposite bench.

[3:50 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace allows himself to be dragged a few feet and then tugs fKali Mira. He grabs Kali's shoulder and steers her towards Spider's booth, where he'd been attempting to go in the first place. "Hey, Sage. Kali, walk and talk." He lazy salutes Spider upon arrival to his domain and leans against the side of the booth, allowing Kali the remaining free seat. "What do you need, Spider?"

[3:52 PM] GM Whistler: "I got a buzz from an old client of mine. Something got stolen from him, he won't say what over the wire. He asked for my A team. I told him I ain't got one yet, but I got a C+ team, and he said that's fine, just get 'em on the job ASAP. He'll send a driver over and tell you the details face to face. He's as rich as he is weird, but he's all right to work for. You in?"

[3:55 PM] Kali Mira: Upon taking a seat, Kali leans in. "Can we be upgraded to a B+ after this?" She says sarcastically, but seems genuinely interested in the task. "Weird?..." She gives a roll of her shoulders, "Alright, I'm in then." Her gaze traces over Jace and Sage. "What do you guys say? We aren't that terrible of a team..."

[3:56 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage shrugs but nods. "You guys make things interesting. Plus how can I say no to meeting some of Midcity's finest weirdos?" he looks expectantly at Jace

[3:57 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace shrugs. "Someone has to keep you two alive." He's in.

[4:00 PM] GM Whistler: "Fuckin' eh," says Spider as he punches something into his deck. "Now we'll wait on his..." A tall man in a tailored black suit enters the bar. "..driver." The man walks over to you. He has black gloves and a driver's hat, and looks exceedingly pale. There is a faint green-blue glow to his eyes. He silently gestures to the door.

[4:02 PM] Kali Mira: Kali raises an eyebrow upon seeing the driver, "Fancy.." She said quietly, sliding out of her seat to head on over towards the door.

[4:03 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage scoots himself out as well and nods to Spider. "Comms for this trip? Or are we beyond that?"

[4:04 PM] GM Whistler: "Client wants as little wire as possible. He's paranoid like that."

[4:06 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace raises a brow at the man but says nothing. He falls into his usual mode -- watchful. He'll stay a step or two behind the others and follow.

[4:07 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver leads you outside. There is a black armoured limousine parked outside, with tinted bulletproof windows. He opens the door and stands there so you all can pile in.

[4:08 PM] Sage Stotto: "Hot damn. After you, pipsqueak. Ladies first."

[4:09 PM] Kali Mira: "Fine." Kali scoots in first, unsure of what to expect since none of them knew exactly what they were retrieving.

[4:13 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace will get in once Sage and Kali are situated.

[4:15 PM] GM Whistler: The interior of the limousine is done up with black leather. There is a mini bar stocked with many expensive bottles of wine and spirits, and a note in very fancy handwriting that says 'Help yourself'. The dividing window between the driver and you is closed. When the driver closes your door and takes a seat behind the wheel, that window remains closed. The limo starts up and you can barely feel it. It's a smooth ride, even on the pothole-ridden streets of the RPZ.

[4:17 PM] Kali Mira: "Starting to feel a little uneasy in this limo..." She muttered, fidgetting a little in her seat. She leans forward, looking over the mini bar, picking up the note. "Help yourself, huh."

[4:20 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage fishes through the bar trying to find a bottle of water, "Seems like an awful lot of effort for a c+ team. Think it's spiked or something?"

[4:20 PM] GM Whistler: Sage finds a wastefully expensive looking bottle of rich people sparkling water.

[4:21 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace doesn't touch the alcohol or any of the drinks. He keeps watch out the window, as much as he can. "Well, they didn't know they were getting a C+ team." His tone is a tad sarcastic. It's clear he doesn't think they're C anything.

[4:24 PM] GM Whistler: Those who know the city recognize the route you're on - heading for the main checkpoint exiting the RPZ. Soon enough the towering wall and its sentries come into view. The limo pulls up to the checkpoint, the Driver silently flashes something at the gate guard, and you're through with no issue. As you leave the RPZ, the architecture and infrastructure cleans up dramatically. You can see large spots of clear blue sky above certain buildings as the air scrubbers eliminate the RPZ's thick industrial smog.

[4:28 PM] GM Whistler: The drive is another twenty minutes or so, and then the Driver comes to a stop in front of a massive skyscraper with a marble facade and mirrored windows. According to a sign out front, this is Sakaguchi Plaza. Various businesses have their names listed, including Gordian-Allod's marketing division, Tokamak Cybertronics, and Melqart Inc. The Driver opens the door for you and gestures to the building entrance.

[4:30 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage steps carefully out of the car, frowning at the lavish surroundings and down at his own greasy smelling self in a worn jacket. "Are we sure this is the right place? I mean aren't we a little... underdressed?" He frowns and offers Kali a hand to pull her up before moving toward the entrance.

[4:32 PM] Kali Mira: It doesn't take long for Kali to begin zoning out, tapping her fingers against her lap. They were lucky she didn't just fall asleep on the drive there. Once they had arrived and th door opened, Kali blinked a few times before yawning and taking Sage's hand. "Thanks." She stays close to both Sage and Jace, feeling a little out of place herself.

[4:36 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace isn't wearing a three piece suit by any means but he's clean and dressed for his brand of work; wearing combat boots, black cargo pants, and a forest green t-shirt under a black canvas jacket. He both looks like and feels like some version of a bodyguard. So he plays the part, remaining silent but watchful. He follows the other two, remaining a step or two behind them.

[4:37 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver leads you into the building. The lobby is all lavish marble and expensive paintings and general white-collar opulence. The Driver walks past the reception desk to the elevators, badges in with a card, and holds the doors open for you to enter with him. Once you are all inside, he pushes a button for the basement.

[4:39 PM] GM Whistler: When the doors open to the basement, you see equal opulence. White marble and on the wall in gold lettering, 'Melqart Incorporated Professional Resurrection Services'. The Driver gestures to a door at the end of the bright white hall labeled in gold writing 'Lazarus, Resurrectionist'

[4:42 PM] Kali Mira: Kali takes a little more interest in the interior, taking notice of the gold lettering on the wall, the name sounds familiar in her mind . She proceeds a little ahead of the group, following down the hall the driver had motioned to. "Are we going to find out what we're doing here, or just continue going down fancy halls, and shiny floors."

[4:48 PM] GM Whistler: As you approach, the door slowly swings open. Then a man appears in the doorway. He is tall and thin with sharp, distinctly Fae features, and their typical agelessness that puts him anywhere between 30 and 300. He has one blue eye and one purple eye so dark it might almost be black. He wears a white three piece suit and his blond hair is slicked back. "Ah, Spider's team. You came moderately recommended. Please, come in, and I will go over the task at hand." He speaks in a deep, pleasant voice with a posh New Tairngire accent.

[4:49 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace will follow the other two in but he has nothing to add for the moment. Assume he's listening and watching.

[4:50 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage's eyes flit around, trying to take in the oppulence and keep an eye out for anything too suspicious. He's curious honestly, what someone would need a team as far off the radar as theirs for.

[4:55 PM] GM Whistler: Lazarus invites you into his office, lined with bookshelves of various Necromantic texts. He gestures with a hand and a holoscreen appears with a map of the city on it. "A client of mine was stolen in transit to this location. The tracker on his cryocoffin was disabled here--" he points, and a flashing red dot appears on the map a few blocks from the harbour. "--and we have been unable to track it since. This was forty-five minutes ago. If the coffin has lost power, my client only has a few hours remaining until I am unable to restore him in an undamaged state."

[5:00 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace raises a brow and shifts, folding his arms. He glances sidelong to Kali. Sounds complicated, his expression says, but he says nothing.

[5:03 PM] Kali Mira: The hacker follows in, listening closely and eying the map Lazarus motioned at. A dead body? Gross. She keeps the thought to herself, but frowns inwardly. "Shouldn't' be too difficult to locate." She added, linking her arms behind her back. "But we are on a time limit here." She sighed.

[5:04 PM] GM Whistler: "My Driver is at your disposal. Locate my client and return him to me as soon as possible."

[5:05 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage coughs nervously and shifts from one foot to another. "Is there a reason someone might have stolen this particular client?"

[5:07 PM] GM Whistler: "My client is exceedingly wealthy. There could be many reasons. Thus far, I have not been made aware of any ransom demands, so I suspect their motives lie with the body itself."

[5:08 PM] GM Whistler: Everyone, make an INT/LVL roll.

[5:12 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20

[5:12 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 17 Unmodified: (17)

[5:12 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20+1

[5:12 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 5 Unmodified: (4)

[5:12 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20+1

[5:12 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 13 Unmodified: (12)

[5:14 PM] GM Whistler: Jace has a lightbulb moment. He remembers hearing or reading about bodies turning up around the harbour missing organs and cyberware.

[5:15 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is looking at the holomap. He's unsure if Kali can hack into anything that might give them more information but he's hopeful that going to the last known location of the coffin might yield a direction. If not, there's always someone's head to beat into a wall until they talk. "It's probably for parts to be sold. Been some activity similar to this around the harbour."

[5:16 PM] GM Whistler: "My client would have access to top of the line cybernetics."

[5:18 PM] Sage Stotto: "Any chance Lightwave Magic could uh... hold off any damage that might arise from being delayed in transit?"

[5:18 PM] GM Whistler: "I am afraid it's rather ineffective on the deceased."

[5:18 PM] Kali Mira: "Could look into some surveillance around the area. Or intimidate some people, see if we can get anything."

[5:19 PM] Jace Deckard: "We're burning time, people. If we wanna find this client, we need to hustle. I'm thinking start where the coffin went off the grid. We can put together a plan in the car." Jace will step towards the door and wait for the other two.

[5:20 PM] Kali Mira: "Lead the way then , boyscout. I'm right behind you." Kali moves in step with him, pulling out her deck to give the map of the area one more look.

[5:21 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage shrugs and follows along behind the two of them. He'll do what he can. "We'll work out the details, Boy scout's right."

[5:23 PM] GM Whistler: "Do hurry," Lazarus says calmly. The Driver is waiting for you, and takes you back out. This time the limo is replaced by a less conspicuous but still armoured SUV-type vehicle. Once given instructions, The Driver will silently take you where you want to go.

[5:25 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace instructs him to the last place the transport vehicle was seen. "If we want to be effective, we should hit this from every angle possible. I can look for clues at the scene, Kali -- hack whatever you can and Sage, you could look for any witnesses that might be willing to talk." His tone is authoritative but questioning towards the end, looking for either ageement, dissent, or something he overlooked.

[5:26 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage sighs and frowns. "I'll do what I can. If that's how I can help, that's it. Question, are there other missing coffins we should be worried about confusing with our target?"

[5:30 PM] Kali Mira: "Cryo-coffins aren't easily lost like that on a daily basis, companies like this keep track of them really closely. I can't imagine more have gone missing, so this one might be easy to come across. Especially with clients like the one mentioned." Kali piped in, working over a few things on her deck.

[5:31 PM] Jace Deckard: "I agree with Kali." He then looks to Sage and adds, "Did you have any ideas?"

[5:33 PM] Sage Stotto: "I'm just thinking a vampire wandering around asking if people have seen a coffin's a bit on the nose for my liking. You should at least keep Kali close to you in case any trouble starts. If we can't find anything we should move closer to the dump sites I say."

[5:35 PM] Jace Deckard: He wrinkles his nose because he honestly didn't even consider that. "My bad, man. I didn't even think of that. You could go with 'Did you see a transport vehicle get ambushed?' A little less on the nose, maybe."

[5:35 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver slows the vehicle to a stop at the designated location.

[5:37 PM] Kali Mira: Kali raises her head, "Hey, look we can tag team and intimidate people. I can be scary if I want to be." She humors." If it makes you feel better." She rolls her shoulders, "Might make it a little less, well conspicuous. Maybe."

[5:39 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace pops the door and climbs out when the driver stops, expecting Kali to either stay in the car and do her thing or stay near him. He's aware of the time crunch so he start looking around the area for any sign of basically anything at all. He's looking for a trail, sign of a struggle, etc.

[5:40 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage grins and slides out. "Mostly I'm wondering how I'll be keeping a straight face. God I wish I had a top hat and a coat to look the trure disgruntled gentleman. Remind me to throw something in the back of my hearse for next time". He joins Jace, scanning for anyone who looks like they're in this location often, shop keepers or residents

[5:41 PM] GM Whistler: The area is decidedly industrial, full of warehouses, storage units, ship maintenance yards and other similar businesses. Jace can see an empty armored truck half up on the sidewalk. Its doors are all open. There are tire marks on the asphalt beside it. The only other people in the area seem to be the two teens trying to steal the truck's tires.

[5:43 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace walks towards the armored vehicle, more interested in the tire tracks than the teenagers. He's looking for a direction, leaving the kids to Sage for the moment.

[5:43 PM] GM Whistler: The tire marks definitely seem to be heading to the docks.

[5:45 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage strides easily toward the teens, not making any move to stop them, just watching them work with a critical eye. "So how long's this piece been sitting here? You guys see it crash?"

[5:47 PM] Kali Mira: Kalie hops out behind them, not wanting to stay behind. She begins looking for the closest network she can get into for possible cameras in the area that could have captured something.

[5:47 PM] GM Whistler: The teens don't seem perturbed at all. One just focuses on the work, the other - a mutant it looks like, scaly texture on his skin and too-long fingers - looks up at Sage. "Heard it. Like, an hour ago maybe? Came out, some truck fucked off and left it behind. We waited for a while but nobody came back for it. So. Fuck, free tires, right?"

[5:47 PM] GM Whistler: Kali can see a derelict looking public Cortex terminal just across the street. It's possible there's a network jack still active.

[5:48 PM] Jace Deckard: "It went for the docks. We need to know what that truck looks like so we don't waste time searching every damn dock in the harbour." He comes up near Sage, needing a description to give to Kali.

[5:49 PM] Sage Stotto: "You guys see the truck that fucked off?" he drops into a bit more casual speech, swearing and grinning wickedly. "They've got something coming to em. And hell, I think you guys might just make it off with those tires."

[5:49 PM] Kali Mira: The young hacker steps away from Jace and Sage, taking interest in the public Cortex. "Just gonna be over here." She calls back, holding her deck in one hand while hooking into the jack that looked like it could still be active.

[5:52 PM] GM Whistler: It's a tangle of wires in there but Kali can find a place to unplug the terminal console and plug in her deck. Meanwhile, the mutant teen scratches his chin. "It was kinda green. Like. army green, almost? Bigass fuckin thing. Like a transport. Stunk like a motherfucker too. I think something was fucked with the engine. The ozone stink only just went away."

[5:52 PM] Sage Stotto: "Sounds like a total shitbox. You see the driver?"

[5:53 PM] GM Whistler: "Nah man. It was driving away when we showed up. Only saw the ass end."

[5:53 PM] Kali Mira: Working past the mess of wires, Kali plugs in her deck and begins to pull up any kind of information that might be useful. Possibly any images or footage of the transport vehicle that might have come by.

[5:54 PM] Jace Deckard: "Might be able to track that scent." He tells Sage and then jogs over to Kali to relay the information about the vehicle they're looking for.

[5:56 PM] GM Whistler: Kali gets a listing of the local security cams. There's one that may have captured the scene of the crime, and two more at the docks overlooking the main road to the various warehouses on the waterfront. Pick your camera, then make a hacking roll (INT/LVL + class/gear bonuses)

[5:59 PM] Kali Mira: She skims over the options for cameras, and chooses the one that overlooks the main road to the warehouses.

[6:00 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20+3

[6:00 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20+3 Result: 10 Unmodified: (7)

[6:02 PM] GM Whistler: The connection on this line is shoddy. Kali taps into the video feed, but there's a lot of digital distortion messing up the image. She can see one warehouse that looks active, with dockworkers hauling Gordian-Allod stamped crates back and forth between the warehouse and the docks. There's another warehouse across from it that looks boarded up. Its parking lot is covered up by the distortion.

[6:05 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage sniffs at the air skeptically but tries to smell for the truck that's supposedly only just faded. "I can give it a shot."

[6:06 PM] Kali Mira: "Not the best picture. But looks like we've got Gordian-Allod working in one, and the other warehouse is closed off."

[6:07 PM] Jace Deckard: "A shot is better than nothing." He looks over at Kali. "Might as well start heading in the direction of the closed off one. My thinking is, if the smell isn't in that area, we might be on the wrong track. A smell that only just went away after an hour? That's gotta be fairly easy to track."

[6:11 PM] Kali Mira: She pulls her deck out of the Cortex, packing it up for the moment. "Let's go then. " Kali allows Jace to lead.

[6:14 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace will head back towards the car to inform the Driver of their next stop when Sage is ready to go.

[6:14 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage takes one last sniff of the air and returns back to the car as well. "No laughing if I've got to hang my head out the window like a dog please."

[6:16 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace holds up the boy scout sign. "Scout's honor." He smirks. He tells the Driver where they need to go.

[6:16 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver dutifully and silently obeys, and takes the vehicle down the road to the docks.

[6:17 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage rolls down a window, smelling the air trying to follow or find the scent of the burning engine

[6:17 PM] GM Whistler: Sage, roll PER

[6:18 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20

[6:18 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 6 Unmodified: (6)

[6:19 PM] GM Whistler: It's hard to tell beyond the general city smell.

[6:19 PM] Sage Stotto: He turns to Kali and Jace. "I guess keep driving? Can't smell much over the smog."

[6:20 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver turns onto the docks road. You can see the warehouses up ahead. He pulls off to the side of the road a short way down from the warehouses, awaiting further instructions.

[6:22 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace starts looking for a vantage point that might afford him the ability to see, like a rooftop. He'd also be keeping an eye out for the transport truck.

[6:23 PM] GM Whistler: Next to the parked vehicle there's a yard full of stacked cargo containers that look fairly climbable. It's surrounded by a chainlink fence. All the buildings in the immediate vicinity are rather short.

[6:25 PM] Kali Mira: Kali gets out, she figures that she might be small enough to get around unseen and perhaps get a closeer view. "Look maybe I can get in closer. I'm not that easy to spot." She begins moving on towards the stacked cargo containers.

[6:27 PM] Jace Deckard: (( Are these cargo containers near the warehouse they're aiming for? ))

[6:27 PM] GM Whistler: Yes. The warehouse is the next lot over.

[6:28 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage frowns. "Are you sure you should be going alone? No offense, but a bit of muscle might help."

[6:29 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace takes a deep breath inward. A smell that rancid should be noticeable but he's following Kali, with no better option for any kind of vantage point.

[6:33 PM] Kali Mira: "Pfft am I ever alone?" She mused, knowing very well Jace would probably be a step behind her. "We have to get closer. We're wasting time." She moves through the cargo containers in order to get closer to the warehouse over.

[6:34 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 1d100

[6:34 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 1d100 Result: 48 Unmodified: (48)

[6:34 PM] GM Whistler: Anyone approaching the warehouse, make a PER roll please.

[6:34 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage would rather not be waiting in the car, he'll follow

[6:34 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20

[6:34 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 6 Unmodified: (6)

[6:34 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[6:34 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 16 Unmodified: (16)

[6:35 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20+1

[6:35 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 2 Unmodified: (1)

[6:35 PM] Jace Deckard: (( >.> ))

[6:37 PM] GM Whistler: Wind kicks up from the ocean and Jace gets an eye full of fine gritty dust. Kali, meanwhile, notices something. The warehouse looks totally abandoned and dark, with the windows boarded up, but at the rear of the warehouse there is a loading door. It's open a crack, and there is light coming from it. You can all begin to smell the ozone stink as you get closer.

[6:39 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace rubs his eyes and curses under his breath. He then covers his nose with the back of his wrist and curses again. "Those kids weren't lying, shit."

[6:40 PM] Kali Mira: "Fuck, that's gross." She huffed through her nose, "There's a light coming from the end, care to check it out?" Kali pushed Jace forward, "Either its what were looking for, or not."

[6:41 PM] Sage Stotto: "At least they're being subtle about the whole thing." Sage laughs, "You in boyscout? I got your back. Time's a wasting."

[6:44 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace steps forward when he's pushed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it." He says to Kali as he wipes the last of the grit from his eyes, then nods to Sage. "Let's go." He heads out, staying low if necessary. He'd rather not go in straight through the cracked door. He looks for another option -- a window, a secondary door, etc.

[6:44 PM] Sage Stotto: "You want some darkness or something? A bit of cover?"

[6:46 PM] Jace Deckard: "That'd be helpful." He gets out his bow, just in case, eyes on the building ahead.

[6:46 PM] Kali Mira: "I can try and find a way to cut the lights. Maybe." Kali remains behind, looking for something ot tap into the electrical system of the building.

[6:47 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage cracks the knuckles on both hands, focusing on the door and surrounding area and drawing on his magic. "I can get you some shadows. Not gonna do anything about thermals, so that'd be a help."

[6:48 PM] GM Whistler: There is a window to the right of the loading bay door. It's boarded up, but the wood looks loose.

[6:48 PM] GM Whistler: Kali, roll PER

[6:49 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[6:49 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 16 Unmodified: (16)

[6:50 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace points to the window that he's gonna approach for Sage and heads in that direction. If no roll is needed, he'll attempt to climb up to the window and work the wood loose enough to see and/or climb through (not right away but when he's ready).

[6:50 PM] GM Whistler: There is an electrical panel around the corner from the loading bay door, to the left. It doesn't look hackable, but it's definitely accessible for tampering.

[6:51 PM] Kali Mira: "I've got the lights." Kali lets them know, moving off towards the electrical panel left of the door, ready to cuts some wires if need be.

[6:53 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage stays beside the door and begins to weave magical shadows into place over the window and as much of the loading door as he can

[6:53 PM] GM Whistler: Sage, roll.

[6:54 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20+1

[6:54 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 4 Unmodified: (3)

[6:54 PM] Sage Stotto: ((starting to dislike this dice bot))

[6:55 PM] GM Whistler: That powerful ozone stink is making it exceedingly difficult to focus. A wave of it comes from beneath the loading door, enough to make Sage's eyes water.

[6:56 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage coughs and lifts his coat over his nose again, trying to refocus and cast the spell again

[6:56 PM] Jace Deckard: (( Am I waiting on anything? ))

[6:58 PM] GM Whistler: Jace, roll DEX, Sage, roll again for the spell. Kali, are you cutting the lights or waiting?

[6:58 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20+1

[6:58 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 11 Unmodified: (10)

[6:59 PM] Kali Mira: ((Waiting to see if Jace could see in first))

[6:59 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20+1

[6:59 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 19 Unmodified: (18)

[7:02 PM] GM Whistler: Sage summons a shroud of darkness that envelops Jace and the loading area. Jace manages to climb up to the window and quietly remove some of the loose wooden panels. He can see inside -- the green transport is inside the warehouse. There are many tables set up in some sort of makeshift surgery/workshop hybrid. Lots of shiny tools, many different cooler boxes, and what would appear to be an unopened cryo-coffin.

[7:03 PM] GM Whistler: There are four men standing inside, one wearing an apron and gloves, the other three in military fatigues.

[7:03 PM] Jace Deckard: He looks to see if it's a sheer drop from the window to the floor or if there's a walkway or something he can climb onto.

[7:05 PM] GM Whistler: There's some crates and junk below the window, but other than that it's a drop.

[7:07 PM] Jace Deckard: He drops down and relays the information to Sage. "I don't think we're getting that coffin outta there without a fight."

[7:08 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage bends down to peer under the raised door through the shadows. "You got a number?" he whispers back.

[7:09 PM] Kali Mira: "What's the plan?" Kali asks, still awaiting to see whether or not she could cut the lights. "Do we still want to make it dark?"

[7:09 PM] Jace Deckard: "Yeah, four. Guessing at least three are armed."

[7:10 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage holds up a hand to Kali, signaling to wait. "Do we want to try luring one out? You can't take three guys."

[7:11 PM] Kali Mira: "Could try some kind of distraction?"

[7:12 PM] GM Whistler: From inside the warehouse, you can hear a persistent beeping and one of the men say: "Hurry up and carve the fucker up!"

[7:13 PM] Sage Stotto: "Jace? Want a distraction?"

[7:13 PM] Jace Deckard: "Yeah and cut the damn lights. I'm going in." With no time and little other choice, he readies his bow to slide under the door once the lights are out. He can only hope that the chaos and darkness will allow him some stealth.

[7:15 PM] Kali Mira: Kali nods at the command, and grabs the wires that give power supply to the lights in the loading bay. She cuts through them.

[7:15 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage quickly rolls under the door and ducks inside, staying in the shadows

[7:17 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace follows, sliding under the door and immediately crouching, trying to stay low based on the layout of the room that he remembers.

[7:17 PM] GM Whistler: FZZT. The lights go out. The four men inside start loudly complaining, unaware of the intrusion. "I told you they'd fucking catch on!" "That's stupid, we weren't stealing that much juice!"

[7:18 PM] Jace Deckard: "See if you can get that coffin outta here." Jace whispers to Sage because that's their only priority. He starts moving, aiming to get their attention drawn to the other side of the room.

[7:19 PM] GM Whistler: "Go outside and fix it." "No, YOU go outside and fix it!"

[7:19 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage bolts in the opposite direction of Jace, trying to work his way around the men as they stumble through the darkness

[7:20 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace looks for the one in the surgical gear, figuring he's the only one that really knows what to do with the coffin and body inside. He'll target him.

[7:21 PM] Kali Mira: Kali moves her way back to the room, to try and atleast make sure the cryo coffin isn't damaged.

[7:23 PM] GM Whistler: The man with the surgical gear seems to have left the military men to argue amongst themselves. He's blindly waddling through the darkness with his hands out. Everyone else, please roll DEX, +1 due to the lights out, plus any bonuses you may have for stealth rolls.

[7:25 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20+1

[7:25 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 6 Unmodified: (5)

[7:25 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20+1

[7:25 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 19 Unmodified: (18)

[7:26 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage laughs silently at everyone stumbling around in the dark as he sets himself up beside something that resembles a baracade on the opposite side of Jace.

[7:33 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20+3

[7:33 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20+3 Result: 13 Unmodified: (10)

[7:35 PM] GM Whistler: Sage and Jace are able to move into position undetected. Meanwhile, Kali accidentally hits a cooler with her knee. There's a thunk and a scraping noise as it moves against the ground. The men stop bickering and one says "What the fuck was that?"

[7:36 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is still targeting the bumbling Surgical Dude. He wants him out of the equation. If he can grab him undetected, he's gonna try, especially with the focus elsewhere.

[7:37 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage casts Orb of light behind the crates, going for distraction, stage whispering "What was that? Everyone here? Stay behind the boxes"

[7:37 PM] GM Whistler: Jace is able to grab Surgical Guy. He is but a frail man of science, and he struggles weakly.

[7:37 PM] Kali Mira: Kali lowers herself after bumping into the cooler, picking it up to use defensively. She ends up throwing it across the room, hoping to hit someone or something to throw them off her location in the dark.

[7:37 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is gonna go for the KO with a chokehold.

[7:38 PM] GM Whistler: Jace, roll STR. Kali, roll PER for the throw. Sage, roll for the spell.

[7:39 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20

[7:39 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 11 Unmodified: (11)

[7:39 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[7:39 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 16 Unmodified: (16)

[7:40 PM] Jace Deckard: (( Please tell me she accidentally smacks the scientist right in the face. ))

[7:41 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20+1

[7:41 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 20 Unmodified: (19)

[7:41 PM] GM Whistler: Jace squeezes and Surgical Guy tries but can't break free. He stops his flailing in time to get hit in the face with a cooler. The lid pops off, and a bagged liver plops to the floor amidst the spilled ice.

[7:41 PM] GM Whistler: Meanwhile, Sage summons a brilliant orb of light, drawing the attention of the soldiers.

[7:42 PM] Sage Stotto: He's flattening himself to the ground, hoping to dodge the worst of the shots, but the lights gotta be near him.

[7:43 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 3d20

[7:43 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 3d20 Result: 10,12,5 Unmodified: (10,12,5)

[7:43 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace snorts a laugh and chokes the dude out. He'll then go after one of the military guys, especially any that might be closing in on Kali or Sage.

[7:44 PM] GM Whistler: Two of the soldiers have their guns ready, while the third is struggling with the stupid sling because he clipped it in the wrong spot. So the two fire at the light that is brighter than they are.

[7:44 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 2d20+1

[7:44 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 2d20+1 Result: 20,13 Unmodified: (19,12)

[7:44 PM] Kali Mira: Kali keeps close to the ground, looking for anything else she might be able to hide behind or throw.

[7:45 PM] GM Whistler: They never actually saw Sage to shoot at, but they sure shoot that orb of light up real good! It's not very effective...

[7:45 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage groans as if he's in pain. "Ahhh I'm bleeding. Shit! Get down!"

[7:45 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace targets the one struggling with his gun, hoping to drag him into the dark.

[7:46 PM] GM Whistler: Jace, roll STR

[7:46 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20

[7:46 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 2 Unmodified: (2)

[7:46 PM] Jace Deckard: (( I'm with Matt. >.> ))

[7:46 PM] GM Whistler: Unfortunately, Jace is dealing with a soldier now and not a man of science. When the soldier feels hands on him, he instinctively resorts to a judo throw.

[7:47 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 1d20

[7:47 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 17 Unmodified: (17)

[7:47 PM] GM Whistler: Jace ends up on his back, a little winded.

[7:48 PM] GM Whistler: Kali sees a tray of surgical equipment. There are pointy things in there, and what looks like a bone saw next to it.

[7:48 PM] Jace Deckard: "Fuck." He's gonna attempt to not stay down long, winded or not. He'll attempt to take the legs out from under the soldier.

[7:48 PM] Kali Mira: Kali takes the bonesaw, hoping to put it to use on the closest enemy to her.

[7:50 PM] GM Whistler: Jace, make a STR roll with a -1 penalty due to bad positioning. Kali, roll STR to attack.

[7:50 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[7:50 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 10 Unmodified: (10)

[7:50 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20-1

[7:50 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20-1 Result: 13 Unmodified: (14)

[7:52 PM] GM Whistler: Kali swipes at one of the soldiers as he and his partner move to investigate Sage's screaming. She tears up his jacket but can't get through to break the skin. That soldier stops and faces her. Meanwhile, Jace trips up the soldier who threw him, and now they are both on the ground.

[7:53 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace will attempt to throw his weight atop the guy and get his hands around his neck.

[7:55 PM] Kali Mira: Kali faces the soldier, jabbing the bone saw once more towards him to try and get a jagged cut through.

[7:56 PM] GM Whistler: The soldier has the same idea as Jace and now we have a RASSLIN MATCH. STR roll please, no penalty this time.

[7:57 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20

[7:57 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 15 Unmodified: (15)

[7:57 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 1d20

[7:57 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 10 Unmodified: (10)

[7:58 PM] GM Whistler: Jace gets the upper hand, pinning the soldier down, and begins to strangle him.

[7:58 PM] GM Whistler: Meanwhile, the soldier attempts to grab Kali as she attacks him. STR roll please.

[7:59 PM] GM Whistler: The last soldier has tripped over the fallen Surgical Guy on his way to Sage

[7:59 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[7:59 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 8 Unmodified: (8)

[7:59 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 1d20

[7:59 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 13 Unmodified: (13)

[8:00 PM] GM Whistler: The soldier grabs Kali by the wrist and interrupts her attack. "What the fuck!?" he yells.

[8:01 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is gonna attempt to strangle the shit outta the dude in an effort to go aid Kali faster.

[8:02 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage runs screaming out from behind the crates "GRENADE!" He's going to try and tackle the guy giving Kali trouble

[8:03 PM] GM Whistler: The soldier Jace is strangling tries to pry his hand off his neck... then brings up his hands and frantically makes 'stop' and 'time out' signals.

[8:03 PM] GM Whistler: Sage, roll STR please.

[8:04 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20-1

[8:04 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20-1 Result: 3 Unmodified: (4)

[8:04 PM] GM Whistler: The soldier who tripped is trying to wake Surgical Guy up.

[8:05 PM] GM Whistler: Sage sort of runs into the soldier who is dealing with Kali, but the soldier is very sturdy and doesn't budge.

[8:06 PM] Kali Mira: Kali attempts to pull her wrist, while trying to think of something to say. "I've tampered with the cryo coffin to defrost faster, so whatever youre going to harvest from that isn't going to be useful unless you let me go."

[8:06 PM] GM Whistler: !roll 1d20-1

[8:06 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: GM Whistler Roll: !roll 1d20-1 Result: 4 Unmodified: (5)

[8:07 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is gonna attempt to grab an arrow from his quiver with one hand in an effort to jam the point against the dude's throat (not to stab him, as a threat).

[8:07 PM] GM Whistler: The soldier stares Kali down for a second, looking pissed as hell, but then he buys it and lets her go with a shove. "What the fuck is all this shit?"

[8:07 PM] GM Whistler: Jace has a compliant soldier on the floor with an arrow to his neck. Everyone, gimme some PER rolls.

[8:08 PM] Jace Deckard: !roll 1d20+1

[8:08 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Jace Deckard Roll: !roll 1d20+1 Result: 21 Unmodified: (20)

[8:08 PM] Kali Mira: !roll 1d20

[8:08 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Kali Mira Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 6 Unmodified: (6)

[8:08 PM] Sage Stotto: !roll 1d20

[8:08 PM] BOTWintermute: Author: Sage Roll: !roll 1d20 Result: 3 Unmodified: (3)

[8:09 PM] GM Whistler: Jace notices that all the soldiers are lowly privates in the Midcity Army. They're equipped with pretty shit gear, all things considered. Surgical Guy has nothing military about him.

[8:10 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is gonna stand up and drag the dude with him, holding him hostage style. To the guy trying to wake up Surgical Guy, he snaps, "Knock it the fuck off." Jace is Very Irritated.

[8:12 PM] Kali Mira: Kali straightens herself out, taking steps over towards Jace. "The cryo coffin belongs to us. We're taking it."

[8:13 PM] GM Whistler: The guy looks at Jace, looks at the hostage, looks at his own gun, thinks about it... then backs off. He mutters something under his breath, which is likely terribly profane.

[8:16 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace will literally put his arrow through the dude's throat if he has to. He feels a little bad, these guys need the money, but they're here to do a job. "I'd rather walk out of here without a body count. What she said." He nods to Kali and then to the coffin. He makes eye contact with Sage and Kali. He'll stay put while they get the coffin out.

[8:16 PM] GM Whistler: The soldiers all look at each other. One of them says: "You don't say shit about us being here, then we're cool."

[8:18 PM] Kali Mira: "Hey, help a girl out here." Kali stepped over towards the coffin, grabbing Sage's attention.

[8:18 PM] Jace Deckard: "You keep your mouths shut, we'll keep ours shut. But you guys stay here and keep me company until they're clear."

[8:18 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage rubs his bruised shoulder and backs away from the guard he's 'fighting' and helpls move the box

[8:19 PM] GM Whistler: The coffin is painfully heavy. You can make some STR rolls, or you can summon the large silent man waiting for you in an SUV.

[8:19 PM] Sage Stotto: "Maybe we should get some help"

[8:19 PM] Kali Mira: "Actually, yeah. This isnt my type of work." She gives up on trying to lift it.

[8:21 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace is not releasing the soldier or letting anyone else in the room that is not Kali or Sage move. Assume he continues this until the coffin is clear of the building, along with his teammates.

[8:21 PM] Sage Stotto: "Kali you wanna go get the strong silent type?"

[8:22 PM] Kali Mira: "Fine..." Kali disappears off to find the large silent man waiting outside.

[8:23 PM] GM Whistler: Once summoned, The Driver brings the SUV up to the warehouse and backs it up to the loading door. He fully opens the loading door with one hand. Then he approaches the coffin, lifts it by himself, and loads it into the SUV all without so much as a grunt.

[8:24 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage watches, goggle eyed. "That's just terrifying to watch"

[8:24 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver opens the passenger doors on the SUV and stands there, waiting.

[8:24 PM] Jace Deckard: Kali Mira is playing Overwatch and says Kali gets in the SUV. Once Sage and Kali are in, he'll release the soldier and also get in.

[8:25 PM] Kali Mira: ((lmaoo))

[8:25 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage hops in the SUV because Overwatch

[8:27 PM] GM Whistler: The Driver drives back to Sakaguchi Plaza with a lead foot. It would be a fairly harrowing drive if you didn't somehow get the impression that it's physically impossible for this guy to fuck up and get in an accident. He drives into an underground parking garage and hauls the coffin into a freight elevator post haste. He does not invite you to follow him. Instead, a few moments after he disappears, you receive a message on your phones:


[8:27 PM] GM Whistler: And, later, a followup message from Spider:

[8:27 PM] GM Whistler: [B-]

[8:28 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace wonders how the fuck they're supposed to get back and then sighs. "Well, at least we made it to the B team." He rotates his shoulders and shakes his head.

[8:29 PM] Sage Stotto: Sage laughs "Sorry guys, Next time I'll bring the hearse"

[8:29 PM] Kali Mira: "Hey I'll take a B any day..." Kali jokes

[8:31 PM] Jace Deckard: Jace starts out of the garage, figuring they'll take a train/cab/whatever back home.

[8:31 PM] GM Whistler: There's enough in your accounts to cover the annoying transit ride back, plus extra.

[8:32 PM] GM Whistler: That was way long, so $200/200

[8:32 PM] Sage Stotto: ((Thank you Rez. Good stuff))

[8:32 PM] Jace Deckard: (( Awesome! Thanks! ))

[8:32 PM] Kali Mira: ((fun times Big Grin))

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